Documentation of jsDraw2DX Javascript 2D Graphics Library (for Alpha Version)
jsDraw2DX is a Javascript library (SVG and VML based) to draw 2D graphics on web pages inside web browser. The library is entirely written in Javascript and does not need any plug-in or additional software to run/execute. Currently this documation is just a stub since we are in process to create detailed documentation.
Class | Constructor | Properties | Methods |
jxGraphics | jxGraphics(graphicsDivElement) | origin scale coordinateSystem(default,cartecian) | getType() getDiv() getSVG() getVML() logicalToPhysicalPoint(point<jxPoint>) draw(shape) remove(shape) redrawAll() getShapesCount() indexOfShape(shape) |
jxColor | jxColor() jxColor(colorName) jxColor(colorHex) | getType() getValue() Statcic Methods: rgbToHex(redValue, greenValue, blueValue) hexToRgb(hexValue) | |
jxFont | jxFont(family, weight, size, style, variant) | family weight size style variant | getType() |
jxPen | jxPen(color<jxColor>, width, [dashStyle]) | color<jxColor> width dashStyle (ShortDash,ShortDot, ShortDashDot,ShortDashDotDot, Dot,Dash,LongDash, DashDot,LongDashDot, LongDashDotDot) | |
jxBrush | jxBrush(color<jxColor>, fillType) | color<jxColor> fillType color2<jxColor> | getType() |
jxPoint | jxPoint(x, y) | x y | getType() |
jxLine | jxLine(fromPoint<jxPoint>, toPoint<jxPoint>, [pen<jxPen>]) | fromPoint<jxPoint> toPoint<jxPoint> pen<jxPen> | getType() addEventListener(eventName<String>, handler<Function>) draw(graphics<jxGraphics>) remove() show() hide() |
jxRect | jxRect(point<jxPoint>, width, height, [pen<jxPen>], [brush<jxBrush>]) | point<jxPoint>dth height pen<jxPen> brush | getType()dEventListener(eventName<String>, handler<Function>) draw(graphics<jxGraphics>) remove() show() hide() |
jxPolyline | jxPolyline(points<jxPoint Array>, [pen<jxPen>], [brush<jxBrush>]) | points<jxPoint
Array> pen<jxPen>ush | getType()dEventListener(eventName<String>, handler<Function>) draw(graphics<jxGraphics>) remove() show() hide() |
jxPolygon | jxPolygon(points<jxPoint Array>, [pen<jxPen>], [brush<jxBrush>]) | points<jxPoint
Array> pen<jxPen>ush | getType()dEventListener(eventName<String>, handler<Function>) draw(graphics<jxGraphics>) remove() show() hide() |
jxCircle | jxCircle(center<jxPoint>, radius, [pen<jxPen>], [brush<jxBrush>]) | center<jxPoint> radiusn<jxPen> brush | getType()dEventListener(eventName<String>, handler<Function>) draw(graphics<jxGraphics>) remove() show() hide() |
jxEllipse | jxEllipse(center<jxPoint>, width, height, [pen<jxPen>], [brush<jxBrush>]) | center<jxPoint> widthight pen<jxPen> brush | getType()dEventListener(eventName<String>, handler<Function>) draw(graphics<jxGraphics>) remove() show() hide() |
jxArc | jxArc(center<jxPoint>, width, height, startAngle, arcAngle, [pen<jxPen>], [brush<jxBrush>]) | center<jxPoint> widthight startAngle arcAngle pen<jxPen> brush | getType()dEventListener(eventName<String>, handler<Function>) draw(graphics<jxGraphics>) remove() show() hide() |
jxArcSector | jxArcSector(center<jxPoint>, width, height, startAngle, arcAngle, [pen<jxPen>], [brush<jxBrush>]) | center<jxPoint> widthight startAngle arcAngle pen<jxPen> brush | getType()dEventListener(eventName<String>, handler<Function>) draw(graphics<jxGraphics>) remove() show() hide() |
jxCurve | jxCurve(points<jxPoint Array>, [pen<jxPen>], [brush<jxBrush>], [tension]) | points<jxPoint
Array> pen<jxPen>ush | getType() addEventListener(eventName<String>, handler<Function>) draw(graphics<jxGraphics>) remove() show() hide() |
jxClosedCurve | jxClosjxClosedCurve(points<jxPoint Array>, [pen<jxPen>], [brush<jxBrush>], [tension]) | points<jxPoint
Array> pen<jxPen>ush | getType() addEventListener(eventName<String>, handler<Function>) draw(graphics<jxGraphics>) remove() show() hide() |
jxBezier | jxBezier(points<jxPoint Array>, [pen<jxPen>], [brush<jxBrush>]) | points<jxPoint
Array> pen<jxPen>ush | getType()dEventListener(eventName<String>, handler<Function>) draw(graphics<jxGraphics>) remove() show() hide() |
jxFunctionGraph | jxFunctionGraph(fn, xMin, xMax, [pen<jxPen>], [brush<jxBrush>]) | fnin xMax pen<jxPen> brush | getType()dEventListener(eventName<String>, handler<Function>) draw(graphics<jxGraphics>) remove() show() hide() |
jxText | jxText(point<jxPoint>, text, [font<jxFont>], [pen<jxPen>], [brush<jxBrush>], [angle]) | point<jxPoint
Array> text font<jxFont> pen<jxPen>ush | getType() addEventListener(eventName<String>, handler<Function>) draw(graphics<jxGraphics>) remove() show() hide() |
jxImage | jxImage(point<jxPoint>, url, width, height, [angle]) | point<jxPoint> urldth height angle | getType() addEventListener(eventName<String>, handler<Function>) draw(graphics<jxGraphics>) remove() show() hide() |