Tue Mar 2 10:54:01 2004 elevation.10m PERMANENT neteler raster National Elevation Dataset (NED) 1999 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), EROS Data Center generated by r.in.ascii The U.S. Geological Survey has developed a National Elevation Dataset (NED). The NED is a seamless mosaic of best-available elevation data. The 7.5-minute elevation data for the conterminous United States are the primary initial source data. In addition to the availability of complete 7.5-minute data, efficient processing methods were developed to filter productio artifacts in the existing data, convert to the NAD83 datum, edge-match, and fill slivers of missing data at quadrangle seams. 2/2004: This map has been reprojected to NAD27 to match the Spearfish UTM projection.