![]() |
Qualifier | Meaning |
[...] | Not native |
* | Status doubtful; possibly native |
? | Occurrence doubtful |
% | Extinct |
[Al] [Au] [Az] [Be] [Bl] [Br] [Bu] [Co] [Cr] [Cz] [Da] [Fa] [Fe] [Ga] [Ge] [Gr] [Hb] [He] [Ho] [Hs] [Hu] [Is] [It] [Ju] [Lu] [No] [Po] [Rm] [Rs] [Sa] [Sb] [Si] [Su] [Tu]
Two letter code | Geographical region |
Al | Albania |
Au | Austria with Liechtenstein |
Az | Açores |
Be | Belgium |
Bl | Islas Baleares |
Br | Britain, including Orkney, Zetland and Isle of Man; excluding Channel Islands and Northern Ireland |
Bu | Bulgaria |
Co | Corse |
Cr | Kriti (Creta) with Karpathos, Kasos and Gavdhos |
Cz | Czechoslovakia |
Da | Denmark |
Fa | Færöer |
Fe | Finland (Fennia), including Ahvenanmaa (Åland Islands) |
Ga | France (Gallia), with the Channel Islands (Îles Normandes) and Monaco; excluding Corse |
Ge | Germany |
Gr | Greece, excluding those islands included under Kriti (supra) and those which are outside Europe as defined for Flora Europaea |
Hb | Ireland (Hibernia); both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland |
He | Switzerland (Helvetia) |
Ho | Netherlands (Hollandia) |
Hs | Spain (Hispania) with Gibraltar and Andora; excluding Islas Baleares |
Hu | Hungary |
Is | Iceland (Islandia) |
It | Italy, including the Arcipelago Toscano; excluding Sardegna and Sicilia |
Ju | Jugoslavia |
Lu | Portugal (Lusitania) |
No | Norway |
Po | Poland |
Rm | Romania |
Rs | Territories of the former U.S.S.R. |
Sa | Sardegna |
Sb | Svalbard, comprising Spitsbergen, Björnöya (Bear Island) and Jan Mayen |
Si | Sicilia, with Pantelleria, Isole Pelagie, Isole Lipari and Ustica; also the Malta archipelago |
Su | Sweden (Suecia), including Öland and Gotland |
Tu | Turkey (European part), including Gökçeada (Imroz) |
Extended abbreviation | Geographical region |
Rs(N) | Northern Division: Arctic Europe, Karelo-Lapland, Dvina-Pecora |
Rs(B) | Baltic Division: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kaliningradskaja Oblast' |
Rs(C) | Central Division: Ladoga-Ilmen, Upper Volga, Volga-Kama, Upper Dnepr, Volga-Don, Ural |
Rs(W) | South-western Division:Moldavia, Middle Dnepr, Black Sea, Upper Dnestr |
Rs(K) | Krym (Crimea) |
Rs(E) | South-eastern Division: Lower Don, Lower Volga, Transvolga |
Areas not explicitly coded are White Russia (Bjelorussija) which is entirely in Rs(C). Ukraine, which is largely in Rs(W), but small parts are in Rs(C), Rs(E) and Rs(K). The European part of Kazakhstan which is in Rs(E).