The Atlas Florae Europaeae (AFE)
grid system was changed in 2000 (after AFE vols. 1 - 12) on the
basis of the Paris 1998 meeting of the representatives of the
atlas groups mapping the European vascular plants, mammals,
birds, amphibians, reptiles, fungi and invertebrates. As before,
the new grid system is modified from the Universal Transverse
Mercator (UTM) co-ordinates and the Military Grid
Reference System (MGRS), as defined in the official documents
of the U.S. National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA). The
technical manuals of NIMA (Datums, Ellipsoids and Grid
Reference Systems, TM 8358.1; The Universal Grids:
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) and Universal Polar
Stereographic (UPS), TM 8358.2) defining these systems are
available as html and pdf documents at the web server of NIMA ( The grid system of AFE is based on the World
Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) datum.

The AFE grid cells
with land in Europe.
The grid cells are bounded either by the
"full" 50-km lines of the UTM (exclusively so in
Albania, Baleares, Sardinia, Sicily, Slovenia and Turkey) or also
by the boundaries of the MGRS zones. The deviations in the limits
of UTM and MGRS are taken into account so that in the North Sea
and in band X the grid cell boundaries are based on MGRS. Unlike
before, the grid extends over terrestrial and marine areas
following a regular pattern, without any deviations for coasts,
islands, peninsulas, mountains, towns etc. There are c. 4750
cells with at least some land in Europe as delimited in AFE. In
the old grid system there were 4419 grid cells.
Left: The UTM
50 km gridlines of zones 34 (21° - 24° E), 35 (24° -
30°E E) and 36 (30° - 36° E) in Finland. Right:
the pattern of merging the slices into the AFE grid
cells. Projection: UTM 35N. Note the narrow slices
cut by the zone boundaries (left). Depending on the width
of the southern edge, the slices bounded by zone
boundaries treated as independent cells (width 33.3
50 km), merged with a similar slice on the other
side of the zone boundary (width 16.7 33.3 km), or
joined to the adjacent cell in the same zone (width <
16.7 km). |
Became the meridian convergence the UTM /
MGRS zones are narrower towards the north. The basic rules for
merging the slices smaller than 50 x 50 km with the other slices
- if the "base width" (in the
northern hemisphere, width of the southern edge of the
slice) of the slice is over 33.3 km, then the slice is
treated as an independent grid cell,
- if the "base width" is
between 16.7 and 33.3 km, then the slice is joined with
the similar adjacent slice
- if the "base width" is less
than 16.7 km, then the slice is joined to the adjacent 50
x 50 km slice.
This pattern is followed in all normal 6
degree wide UTM zones (1-30, 38-60) for the small zone boundary
so that:
- Slices with their southern
margin at 0 350000 m, 2900000 3500000,
4650000 5050000, 5950000 6250000, 7050000
7350000, 8100.000 8350000 and 9050.000
9300.000 m N are treated as independent cells.
- Slices with their southern
margin at 2100000 2850000, 4150000 4600000,
5550000 5900000, 6700000 7000000, 7750000
8050000, 8750000 9000000 m N are joined to
the adjacent full 50 x 50 km quadrant in the same zone.
If the slice is at the W boundary of the MGRS zone, it is
joined to the quadrant east of it. Similarly, at the E
margin of a MGRS zone boundary, the slice is joined to
the quadrant west of it.
- Slices with their southern
margin at 400000 2050000, 3550000 4100000,
5100000 5500000, 6300000 6650000, 7400000
7700000, 8400000 8700000 m N are joined
with a similar slice in the neighbouring MGRS zone.
Exceptions to the above rules are caused by
the differences between the UTM and MGRS zones:
- Zones 31 and 32 between 56° and
64° N. The central meridian of the MGRS zone 31 is
at 3°E, which in this area is also the boundary between
the zones 31 and 32. The normal merging pattern cannot be
followed here, because the grid lines of these zones do
not cross each other symmetrically at the zone boundary.
The southeasternmost grid cells of 31W are extended
southwards to the 7100000 m northing in zone 32, and the
northeasternmost cells of 31U are cut by the northing of
6200000 m of zone 32. Between 6200000 and 7100000 m the
westernmost cells of zone 32 are merged using the typical
16.7 / 33.3 km rule, although this here results in cells
of unique size and shape. However, this concerns only
marine areas.

The AFE grid cells
boundaries in the North Sea and surroundings.

THE AFE grid cell boundaries and
cell types in the North Sea and surroundings.

The AFE grid cell boundaries at
the 32V / 31W area.

The AFE grid cell boundaries at
the 32V / 31U area.
The grid cell names (eg., 35VLH3) of the
new grid consist of four elements:
- MGRS longitudinal
zone number (e.g. "35"). Zone number for
the point where the grid cell centroid is
situated. For cells that in W - E direction cover parts
of two MGRS zones and have their centroid exactly at the
border of two zones, the number is taken from the western
- MGRS latitudinal
band letter (e.g. "V"). Based on the
latitude of the grid cell centroid. In the northern
hemisphere the grid cells that have their southern
boundary at 850000, 1750000, 2650000, 3500000, 4400000,
5300000, 6200000, 7050000, 8000000 and (boundary to UPS
area) 9.300.000 metres are cut by a latitudinal MGRS band
boundary. If S edge is at 850000, 3500000, 4400000,
7950000 or 9300000 metres north, then the band letter is
taken from the southern band, in the other cases from the
northern band.
- MGRS 100 x 100 km
square designator. A two-letter code (e.g.,
"LH") for the 100 km square in which the cell
centroid lies. For cells that in W - E direction cover
parts of two MGRS zones and have their centroid exactly
at the border of two zones, the code is taken from the
western zone.
- 50 x 50 km
quadrant designator. This is number 1, 2, 3 or 4 for
the NW, SW, NE and SE quadrants of the 100 km x 100 km
cell, and is based on the metric easting and northing of
the grid cell centroid. This means that if the eastern
margin grid cells of a MGRS zone have quadrant codes 1
and 2, the adjacent western marginal cells on the E side
of the zone boundary will automatically have codes 3 and
4. Likewise, if the margin cells on the W side of the
zone boundary have codes 3 and 4, the cells on the E side
will have codes 1 and 2 This differs from the
former Atlas Florae Europaeae grid naming system,
where the E side cells also had codes 1 and 2 if there
were no 3 and 4 quadrants on the W side of the zone

An example of grid
cell naming system.
RL 11.7.2000