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The Botanical Museum of the
Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of
Helsinki, hosted the VIII Meeting of the Committee for
Mapping the Flora of Europe, in cooperation with the
Academy of Finland, the University of Helsinki, the City
of Helsinki and Societas Biologica Fennica Vanamo. Organizing Committee:
The scientific programme included invited lectures and contributed short oral presentations as well as posters. These have been published in 'Uotila, P. (ed.) 1999: Chorological Problems in the European Flora. Proceedings of the VIII Meeting of the Commitee for Mapping the Flora of Europe. -- Acta Botanica Fennica 162: 1-196. |
Juha Suominen, Helsinki |
State of Atlas Florae Europaeae - past and present |
Tapani Lahti & Raino Lampinen, Helsinki |
The Atlas Florae Europaeae database |
Marc Roekaerts, Houthalen |
Towards standardisation of the UTM 50x50 km grid |
Richard Pankhurst, Edinburgh |
Overview of European floristic and taxonomic databases |
Peter Schönfelder, Regensburg |
Mapping the flora of Germany |
Raoul Palese, Chambésy |
Why and how to cartography today's Swiss flora |
Arto Kurtto & Raino Lampinen, Helsinki | Atlas of the distribution of vascular plants in Finland |
Gonzalo Nieto-Feliner, Madrid | Vascular plant distribution in the Iberian Peninsula: current projects |
Stephen Jury, Reading & Moh Rejdali, Rabat | Spanish plants of interest in Morocco |
Arne Strid, Copenhagen | From Flora Graeca to Flora Hellenica - on the botanical exploration of Greece |
Kit Tan, Copenhagen | Biodiversity in the Greek Brassicaceae |
Arno Wörz, Stuttgart | Distribution pattern of the genus Astrantia (Apiaceae, Saniculoideae) |
Chris Humphries, Paul Williams, Miguel Araujo (London) & Pertti Uotila, Tapani Lahti, Raino Lampinen (Helsinki) | World-Map - analyzing map data for diversity, rarity and representative areas |
Vadim Tikhomirov, Moscow | Regional problems in Russian chorology |
Harald Niklfeld & Walter Gutermann | Vienna: Ranking of taxonomy and status - a Central European view |
Attila Borhidi, Vacratot | Origin and migration of the continental elements in SE-Europe |
Vladimir Czopik, Nikolay Fedoronchuk, Kiev & Andriy Yena, Simferopol | Ukrainian view of Europe flora mapping problems |
Vladimir Stevanovic, Beograd | Taxonomical and chorological problems of the mountain flora of W. & C. Balkans |
John Edmondson, Liverpool | The Euro-Mediterranean inititiative in plant systematics |
Christopher Preston, Abbots Ripton | Phytogeographical studies of the British Flora: a review of recent developments |
Benito Valdes & Raquel Parra, Sevilla | Difficulties to fix chorological limits in marginal areas: SW Europe |
Timo Koponen, Helsinki | The new Botanical garden in Helsinki |
Kazimierz Browicz, Kórnik | Chorological connection of woody Rosaceae between SE Europe and SW Asia |
Heinrich Weber, Vechta | Present stage of taxonomy and mapping of blackberries (Rubus) in Europe |
Sulejman Redzic, Sarajevo | Chorological - ecological differentiation of the genus Potentilla in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula |
Örjan Nilsson, Uppsala | Wild roses in Norden: taxonomic discussions |
Sigurd Fröhner, Nossen | Erforschung der Gattung Alchemilla in Europa |
Jeanette Fryer (Petersfield) & B. Hylmö (Bjuv) | Cotoneasters of Europe |
Babij, V., Trpin, D. & Vres, B., Ljubljana | Approaches to mapping the flora of Slovenia and the connection with mapping the flora of Europe |
Barthlott, W. , Biedinger, N., Braun, G. , Feig, F., Kier, G. & Mutke, J., Bonn & Köln-Porz | Global Biodiversity: Species Numbers of Vascular Plants |
Croft, J., Abbotts Ripton | Progress towards a new atlas of the British flora |
Del Prete, C., Modena | The O.P.T.I.M.A. project for mapping Mediterranean Orchids: the Italian contribution |
Del Prete, C., Dallai, D., Bedini, G. & Sgarbi, E., Modena | Mapping karyological data of European and Mediterranean orchids |
Gamarra, R., Madrid | Distribution maps of steppic plants in the Iberian Peninsula and adjacent regions |
Kagalo, A., L'viv | Fabaceae in the flora of the western Ukraine: taxonomy and chorology |
Kagalo, A. & Sytschak, N., L'viv | The preliminary results of the project "Chorology of the Western Ukrainian Flora" |
Kramina, T., Moscow | Possible approaches to computerization of AFE |
Leht, M. & Reier, Ü., Tartu | Potentilla fruticosa L. in Estonia and Latvia |
Meyden, R. van der, Leiden | Dispersal Codes for Europe, indicating the degree of actual gene flow from cultivated plants to the wild flora, as deduced from data in the national herbaria. A tool in the field of biosafety of plant GMO's. |
Marhold, K. & Anchev, M.E., Bratislava | The distribution of Cardamine amara L. (Brassicaceae) in Europe |
Niklfeld, H., Wien | Floristic mapping projects in Central Europe - an overview |
Parfenov, V., Minsk | Polessie chorological disjunction in flora of Europe |
Poldini, L., Vidali, M. & Oriolo, G., Trieste | Chorological atlas: territorial information systems |
Raimondo, F., Palermo | The mapping of threatened plants in Sicily |
Ulle, Z.G., Syktyvkar | Mapping the flora of Pechora-Ilych nature reserve |
Yena, A., Simferopol | Problems of mapping coastal flora of the Crimea (Ukraine) |
Zajac, M. & Zajac, A., Krakow | Local cartogramme project for vascular plant distribution in Poland |